Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Leavenworth IA, Rattlesnake Complex, Doyle Complex

We we dispatched to Wenatchee River Ranger Station (Leavenworth WA) and we quickly were sent to work the Rattlesnake complex near Okanogan, WA for five days. We returned to Leavenworth for project work for a few days until we were ordered to Kettle Falls, WA to work on the Doyle Complex. Six days of mop up followed which is why there are no fire photos. 

Badger Mountain Fire, Wenatchee, WA July 2008

Rattlesnake Fire, Okanogan, WA July 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ryan & Bob Sallee

I met Bob on a raft trip of the Missouri River in Montana. He was with a group of 15 other ex-jumpers at a shared campground along the river. He gave a presentation about the Mann Gulch Fire one night that was the highlight of the trip.